Steps for using the online booking system.
1. Sign up with the Jane booking service online
You can open an account even before Dr. Cook has agreed to see you as a client by clicking on the Book Online button above. Set your own user name and password so that you can log back on at any time.
2. Apply to become a client
Help you and Dr. Cook decide if his services are appropriate to your needs by speaking to him, exchanging emails, and by completing the online application intake form. Please note that the application intake form is different from the registration intake form that comes later. Jane will send you a link to the registration intake form once you have booked your first session.
3. Activate the booking feature
Once you and Dr. Cook have agreed that the match between you is a good one, he will activate the booking feature on your account so that you have access to his schedule. From there, simply click on the service you require, and a calendar of available times will appear. Please note, it’s not unusual to wait a couple of months or more for an initial interview.
4. Find some times and book several
Dr. Cook sees clients for therapy on Monday through Thursday from 2:00 until 5:30 PM. You may wish to book a handful of sessions at a time, on a weekly or biweekly basis, to avoid having to wait up to three months for the next session, and to insure a timely follow-up to your initial interview.
5. Stay on top of scheduling
In using an automated booking system like Jane, it will be up to you to stay on top of scheduling the sessions that you need. If for any reason you aren’t able to schedule the sessions you need when you need them, consider items 7 and 8 below.
6. Stay in touch
Keep your contact information, especially your cell number and email, up to date. You can create a shortcut on your phone’s home screen. This will give you access to Jane with a single tap. Follow the help guide on how to create a shortcut on your home screen.
7. Subscribe to the cancellation notification list
If you are a current client and would like to receive email notifications of all upcoming cancellations, complete these two steps. Fill out the form below, then be sure to respond to the confirmation email that follows. You may remove yourself from the list whenever you wish.
8. Ask about urgent overflow bookings
If you are a current client and need a session on an urgent basis, ask Dr. Cook about making an overflow booking. These are sessions only he can schedule, on an as needed basis, and are typically at 1:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.